Quote Originally Posted by Steve Blair View Post
I suspect that at least a small portion of this centers on what many "flattened" civilian organizations are discovering....what do you do with people when you promote them?

With "up or out" chugging along, people in the military get promoted. And then you have to find something for them to do (or at least a chair to sit in)...and that breeds higher headquarters.

Sorry for the simplistic analysis/comments, but I'm on the fly here and this just occurred to me. I've worked in "flattened" civilian organizations, and morale tends to suck because there's no place to go within the organization. If the military flattens, then they have to find places to put all those O4s, O5s, and so on. Staffs tend to make good hiding places.

Just a random thought. YMMV, as always.
Oh by all means you are on target. Much of what has sprung up are the very structures that were flattened and pushed down to BCTs. It left quite a gap in targets for battalion and brigade command in the various CS and CSS categories. And of course, really getting rid of 3-star corps commands whenh we were calling them UeXs etc was unlikely at best.
