I just collected a "staff war story" last week:

Every day at 1000, we have a staff meeting, where we review the next 72 hours of operations. We come to a consensus on how things need to be adjusted on the schedule, and I am the responsible individual for making those changes in the tracking database.

Well, a gentleman comes up to me, and in a stage whisper, asks me how come I hadn't made this certain change from three days ago, and gives me the paper copy to prove it. There is still 5 minutes before the meeting, so I rush to the computer, bring up the database, and surprise! the change had been made in the computer, three days ago.

It's not unknown for the computer to take a dump, and print an old copy, so I go out, and grab one of the copies off the table, and upon review, note the change had hit the table. I then look closely at the sheet of paper idiot-boy had handed me, and was surprised to find that it was a sheet from 3 days ago. I point this out, and I can see what I am saying did not register in this guys brain-pan housing group.

So, the dude honestly believed, that when I made a computer change, it should automatically change the original, paper copy, he had in his possession.

I kid you not, the guy went away angry, that I couldn't make his paper copy change, via the computer. The good news: I get to work with this guy again.