Quote Originally Posted by Sabre View Post
So, how does the enemy respond differently, when confronted with squads of PDW's?

Presumably, he makes taking out the crew-served and special weapons a fetish - it becomes his #1 tactical priority, and once that is accomplished, manuevers agressively to suppress and destroy the squad...?

I am not necessarily disagreeing with the idea of a platoon/squad partially equipped with PDW's, just wondering out loud if it makes the enemy's job a little easier, or allows them to focus better (since they should be focused on taking out the special weapons anyway).
I'd say you have it bang-on right there, Sabre. Even if PDW's proved adequate for their intended role, they help to set-up their own Squads and Platoons for piecemeal destruction as they can't even hope to offer a secondary (even if limited) capacity for longer-range fires in defence of the main weapons. Kind of like the time-honoured practice of using artillery to separate infantry from their tanks, and then to pick each off at comparative leisure.