I had to bring METL tasks to the table so to speak. Understanding a conventional units "lifecycle".

Return from deployment (based on averages):
1 month for equipment to return and accountability.
1 month leave
2 months maintainence (getting everything operational)

Deployment outload (based on averages)
1-2 months prior to deployment date everything is starting to be packed and shipped. Additionally 1 month of leave during this time frame.

Based on these numbers a unit has 6-12 months to train between rotations. In many cases more than enough time to train METL tasks and to conduct PMT. Unfortunately (Ken will love me for this) the Army's ability to manage personnel is horrible. Many of these conventional soldiers PCS from a returning unit to a deploying unit. They are robbing Peter to pay Paul. I understand the difficulties involved in maintaining a trained and intergrated unit, but also fully believed it can be done. I am probably wrong but come from the school of thought that everyone is a trigger puller first and foremost. In discussing this with some friends I heard some promising news. Many units here are starting to get back to training these tasks prior to conducting PMTs, which is good. In the case of artillery and ADA, I still have to ask why are we not pushing gunnery skills first?

A good friend of mine recently took command of a Division Special Troops Battalion. He has been tasked to create a QRF Company and a PSD out of cooks, mechanics, MPs, etc... I have to truely question the really high decision makers. Are we so undermanned as an Army that we have resulted in misusing forces to make up for it? IMO there are many threads on here that when combined start getting to the real issues. Uboat you hit on one of the biggest ones POLITICIANS. I believe they decide when and where we fight, not how we fight.

The public, I wonder how many feel the way the news media wants you to think the public feels. Is the public majority in an outrage or are the select few getting all the attention and therefore it looks that way?