It's a story about PTSD (of which there are levels). I am sorry, and I am not being coy here, but what about this story is causing you problems? Five deployments - and he had some issues that needed addressing. And?

My uncle saw approximately a year of duty in the South Pacific in WWII as a Marine (and follows my son today), and had to be medicated for a while after return to the states. They jumped on their circumstances fairly rapidly upon return (he was one of VERY MANY LIKE HIM). After WWII there was no stigma associated with PTSD. No time to drift into trouble. Medication and observation immediately. This is coming from a WWII veteran who has seen more combat than most put together on this forum.

It's just a story to make us think about how we are dealing with PTSD among our warriors.

Again, I don't see the problem. It may be a poorly written story, I'll grant you that. I would have done it differently.