I think it was up until 5 years ago that West Pointers had to have either a BS in Engineering or at least a minor in an engineering speciality. I think it changed in 2002/2003 - a greater choice of degrees.

While I agree with the comments regarding greater liberal arts educations for all officers, I stand by my initial comment. We need more history majors in the officer corps. Small wars require an in-depth knowledge of a country's history in order to understand why the country operates the way it does.

By no means do I want an officer corps specialized in one subject too heavily - like everything else in life balance is required. I honestly do not care about post-military employment possibilities. There is no requirement for cradle to grave security blankets - and the smart individual could use get advanced degrees in other subjects as well.

Steve Blair is correct - history is taught poorly in the US, from grade school through undergrad.

GS - the Royal Marines hosted a conference on their upcoming deployment. Lind, Hammes and Van Creveld were supposed to be in attendance although I heard MVC had to decline at the last minute.