Quote Originally Posted by Anthony Hoh View Post
I cant understand how a contractor can make twice as much as a Soldier in the same capacty while the goverment saves money. I realize thier are costs other than salary, health care, uniforms, training, etc... but I cant wrap my head around how contracts are so much cheaper when the Army trains and deploys on such a huge scale. If anyone can expand my knowledge on this I would appreciate it.
I'd like you to show me this alleged "contractor who makes twice as much as a Soldier in the same capacity"...

Our company hires contractors who are retired and reserve Field Grades, and pays them at the E-5/E-6 level for O-4/O-5 work, with no institutional support outside of access to PX/Commissary and housing allowance.

There might BE some of these well-paid contractors, but I don't know any of them. Most of us do this because a) we are reservists whose employability has been destroyed by multiple deployments. b) we're retired, and are doing this to "stay in the game" in some fashion or c) it's a hobby job that keeps us living in interesting places.

Of course, "contractors" are the bogey man and are often scapegoated when Active Duty types screw the pooch. Now THAT benefit is worth any cost to certain Senior Officers I know....