Quote Originally Posted by JJackson View Post
...I view all these issues mainly from a humanitarian stand point. Where in the world are people suffering and dying, if the cause is man made who is responsible? Sometimes the answer is political/military and where it is the US as the world’s largest military, largest manufacturer & exporter of weapons, most active country in the internal affairs of other states and most active exporter of political ideology is often in the thick of it. This is why I participate on this site to try and understand the US military and its thinking and, if I can, try and nudge it into a more reflective role as to the humanitarian consequences of some of its action. I am of course aware it (the US military) only does what its political master task it to but these I generally view as beyond reason or redemption.
May I suggest you take a look at where those problem areas are located? You'll find the majority are along the fault lines of borders drawn by the British and French (plus a few other minor players) as a result of colonial activity and / or WW I. That also includes the 'Great Powers' fiddling in the Balkans...

Long areas of contention, those locales were deliberately targeted by Agitprop and the NKVD / MVD / KGB to foment more violence and discombobulate the west -- I have visions of a lot of old retired guys (including those that set out in the 20s to infiltrate and tilt leftward education processes in the west) watching the BBC World News in Ekaterineburg and just cackling in both cases at success beyond their wildest dreams.

Back to the Balkans, I recall the cartoon in the Economist at the time of the little European standing outside his nice house watching the carnage in the Balkan house next door and saying to his wife "Ask the Americans what they intend doing about this."

You folks sowed; we reap. As they say, it's an ugly job but somebody has to do it. When one delegates a job to another, one loses the ability to precisely define just how that job should be accomplished. Your lack of approbation is duly noted but rings quite hollow.