And here I thought I was overpaying you .....
Row harder!
Seriously, the advantage of contractors (wherever) is that you don't pay for long term benefits and you can rapidly hire/fire capacity, which you can't do with DA CIVs. To do this, you usually pay more short term but incur significant long term savings.
Which is why they have to pay so much for contractors in Iraq - it's hard to get people to willingly go there! So the market commands salaries comensurate with the risk. But once Iraq is over all of them are out of jobs. The soldier still has his.
It's also a good deal for the retired folk stateside - the pay may be less than your salary pre-retirement, but added to the 50% it's not bad living .... Main thing is the loss of BAH, BAS, etc. Also, we continue to draw on their skills - I know Hacksaw's 20 years of service has kept my ass out of a sling many times - so much so I wrote "Keep Cav's ass out of sling" into the contract!