Quote Originally Posted by Hacksaw View Post
I'm not saying you must/should agree with same opinion based on their "personal experience" (we are all victim of our experiences), but to call the candidate unprofessional is a step too far.
You're right. I just went back and read what I wrote, and what I wrote made no sense. What I should have written was:
"I refuse to vote for any candidate who makes their service in our current conflicts the central part of their campaign in order to exploit the celebrity status of veterans..."

That would be anti-/un-professional in my opinion. The original statement was describing a different peeve of mine that is unrelated to the topic but was on my mind because I had just talked to someone about it just before posting. (That peeve: people who justify a worthless opinion on some strategic issue by preceding it with, "well, I served 3 years in the Marines" or "I was in the Army in 1983" - like that makes the person a strategic planner or something - totally off topic, but I guess it was still on my brain).