I'm not infantry. Most guys at Bragg are not infantry, but most are airborne. I love the support guys; they work harder than most of the combat arms. No complaints there.

The Fayetteville Observer (all the news that's fit to print) and the Paraglide (Bragg's paper) were plastered with photos of the Division Run. Everyone at work pointed out SMA was wearing an Airborne shirt. Was my comment stupid? Of course it was, but this is Fort Bragg. And definately no offense to any 19 series guys. They protected my ass when I needed it.

Regardless, I still think there are more pressing issues at hand than changing the dress uniform. Fix housing, training, dwell time, medical care, etc. then worry about a uniform you wear once a month.

Quote Originally Posted by Uboat509 View Post
So he wasn't infantry, so what? We can't all be rock stars. SOMEBODY has to cook the food, fix the trucks, drive the tanks, etc. I, for one, don't see any reason why one of the infantry support MOSs can't be SMA.