Quote Originally Posted by Shek View Post
This first one looks at how different cultures play the standard "ultimatum" game:
One of my favourite findings from the ultimatum game is that only economists act as economists predict--that is, that economics students are much more self-interested, rational, utility-mazimizers than are non-economics students, and hence make stingier offers in the game.

J.R. CARTER and M. IRONS (1991), Are Economists Different, and If So, Why?, Journal of Economic Perspectives 5/2 (1991), pp. 171 – 177.

Article here if you have JSTOR access.

I have never seen the study done with military personnel (although I haven't really looked)--it would be interesting, actually, to see whether they to deviate in significant ways from the general population in their perceptions of profit, loss, altruism, etc--and if so, in which directions..