Ummm... Weren't you supposed to stay on the sidelines????
To be honest I've had a pretty full plate at work and home lately - same with most everyone I suppose. When I originally saw the thread title it slipped by me. When I saw my name had come up I felt a bit obligated. Truth be told, the caliber of folks participating on the SWC is pretty amazing these days. Its coming up on my 2 year mark of participation, and there are a number of folks that have come on over the last year who bring good discussion to the council every time they sit down to the keyboard. A thread takes off pretty quick, and if you don't spend the time going back and reading some of the original posts on it before you post you might come up short. One of the things I've always liked here is that members will challenge you here - they will call you to task. The manner they do it depends on the what the response calls for, but regardless you'll get called on it.

Best, Rob