Quote Originally Posted by Culpeper View Post
I can appreciate your response but I didn't have any bad experience with the Air Force other than Desktops getting in the way of learning how to survive. I just know how the organization operates using its own brand of company language.
It's hard for me to understand what you are saying here... who are Desktops (is it like a REMF?), and how did they get in the way of learning how to survive? What did you do in the Air Force (sounds like TACP or JTAC but I don't want to assume...)

Quote Originally Posted by Culpeper View Post
Listen, there has always been a lot of criticism about other branches in this current conflict; i.e. mistakes et al. But very little about the Air Force in general. Why should [they] be any different?
I think there's been plenty on the AFs mistakes... which is good. I'd note that the AF has pretty much been in a supporting role since the end of OIF I, so it stands to reason that they're not the focus of this particular forum, which focuses on the supported Small Wars fight.

Quote Originally Posted by Culpeper View Post
Like I intimated earlier, this story about blogs is just a symptom of the overall ineffective decision making on the part of the Air Force. The Air Force has made its share of mistakes since 911 and gets a bye because of what? The Air Force even gets a bye for their culpability on losing the Vietnam Conflict. Desktop officers in the Air Force make sure of that by keeping all their dirty little secrets in the box. Thinking or communicating outside the box under any circumstance is heresy.
What examples do you have? I don't think the AF has a bye at all since 9-11, or for Vietnam... in fact, the PME course I'm in right now just had an entire lesson about how we screwed up Vietnam by drifting away from our doctrine... doesn't seem like hiding it to me if you put it in the class that everyone has to take.

Do you have examples other than this blocking of the blogs?

Quote Originally Posted by Culpeper View Post
Trust me, no small part of the USAF decided that blogs were bad for airmen. That is is a fairy tale and just an example of the compartmentalization of the organization as a whole. It has been structured since its inception to protect itself and a select few, which it does an excellent job. Thus, it is probably the most dysfunctional branch of the military. Why do you think so many Air Force people that do the work believe the Air Force eats its young?
I personally haven't heard of/seen/talked to many people who think the AF eats its young... if anything, the opposite - the AF is too soft is a common complaint.

Quote Originally Posted by Culpeper View Post
Next time you are replying to someone that is criticizing the Army or the Marines for mistakes or policy try to avoid assuming that a "bad experience" or resentment is the motivator. That is not part of the company language of the forums.
Your tone was what made me ask about bad experiences... please provide examples of what you're referring to so I can understand your arguement. Otherwise I'm simply left with the emotion you're conveying, which make it hard for me to learn much! I don't think the AF is perfect at all, but I am curious as to what specific mistakes/problems need fixing.

Again, my point is simply that a Comm Squadron or even the AF NOSC deciding to block "blogs" doesn't neccessarily indicate that the AF is trying to hide mistakes or supress dissent...

I know plenty of folks who have come up with bright new ideas and had them turned into TTPs, doctrine, or actual hardware... happens more than you would think. A buddy of mine was an ALO that came up with a lot of cool stuff, and he has more generals asking him what he thinks than you would believe.

Looking forward to your reply.

