Quote Originally Posted by marct View Post

"Amusing" isn't exactly the word I would choose ! I don't believe that the Christian missionaries are part of a larger maneuver plan; some appear to have gone in for humanitarian reasons, which I have no problems with. The ones who have gone in, on the other hand, with a "mission to convert" should be, IMO, charged with interfering in the mission. I keep thinking back to the effects of one particular cult leader who stirred up all sorts of trouble in the Southern Sudan with his outrageous actions and promises....

Sarajevo, you are absolutely correct in pointing out the problems these people can, and in a number of cases, are causing. As I said, I have no problems with the ones on a humanitarian mission - their actions speak for themselves. The ones who pull the "convert and you'll eat" type of scenario, OTOH, should be dealt with severely.

You know, RTK's right; it's not a conspiracy, it's a problem with "free riders" - people who take advantage of a situation that they contributed nothing to.

That's why I like you, Marc. You point out the double entendres in my sarcasm.

I agree. Those who are in either country and present the "I'll give you food if you follow Christ" argument need their heads examined.

I remember the kid in Tal Afar Cavguy was talking about. I did not give him that shirt.