Caught up in all the other world's problems ?

The folks at Danger Room have found the Pirates Map (of all places) off the shores of Somalia

Pirates have been attacking ships off the coast of Somalia for years. This map, from the United Nations satellite imagery team, plots all the strikes in 2007. There are no big red Xs to mark the treasure spots, I'm afraid. But it does note the last known whereabouts of the pirate "mother ship." Which is still pretty cool.
Troubled waters no more as the United Nations pulls the plug on tub toys

The UN has authorised foreign countries to send warships into Somali waters to combat rampant piracy on a busy shipping route linking Europe and Asia.

The security council resolution, backed by Somalia's weak interim government, authorises navies to use force to stop hijackings at sea over the next six months.

The resolution was sponsored by the US, Panama and France, whose military obtained special permission from Somalia's government in March to pursue and arrest some of the pirates that had hijacked the luxury yacht. Initial resistance to the bill from Indonesia, which has its own problems with piracy, fell away after guarantees that it would not set a precedent for foreign intervention elsewhere in the world.