It's quite clear to me from that transcript that Gates is going after some baseline AF cultural issues. If you look at some of the things that have been going on in the AF in a number of areas (not just the nuclear programs), the drift has been noticeable for years. There was also a great deal of internal downplaying of the Minot incident, and the Taiwan shipment didn't make much of a ripple that we could see down here. Once you combine all that with Mosley's ties to the Thunderbirds fiasco and a recent letter in either AF Times or AF Magazine (don't remember which) that basically suggested that generals were above the law, I'm not surprised in the least that Gates acted. Wynn and Mosley were products of a particular that does not take criticism well and really isn't wired to look at itself in a critical way. That's been shown throughout the years. Hopefully the AF as a corporate whole will learn something from this other than "they're all out to get us."

That said, I know there's been a positive reaction in our little group regarding this removal. Not sure how it's playing out elsewhere, though.