As soon as I clear the project I am on, I will scan the manual and other advisor-related materials, put them into .PDF format, and, with your help, SWJED, post them to your site. While doing a bit of consulting and brainstorming during the fall of 2005 and spring of 2006 with the prior CO of SCETC, I shared the idea of creating similar manuals for the current Marine advisors. He liked the idea and was interested in moving it forward, but retired before we could make it happen. I have attempted to establish contact with the current CO and Deputy Director of SCETC but they have not returned my calls or e-mail. I still think it is a worthwile venture since the current MEF deployement plan has us in Iarq at least through 2010 and we definitely need to stand up the advisory effort and create MEF-wide CAP program to work in concert with advisors and MEF forces.