Good points. I think what needs to be got at is that this and many issues like it are beyond ascribing a temporary value to in terms we are generally comfortable with.

There are some advisory skill sets in high current demand such as those at the ministerial level which take years to grow. These institutional level advisors are key in achieving sustainable capacity, but there is a significant gap in the USG's ability to provide them. In addition to the personal attributes and skills of our 03-06s advising at the tactical echelon in foreign environments, these ministerial level advisors have to have technical skills we might normally attribute to a policy guy or gal working as Assistant Deputy in OSD, or those of an ambassador or senior FSO, etc. Its not so they can come in and impose a template, but so they can have a fundamental understanding of how institutions work and the purposes they serve. From there they can advise and bring assistance to help their foreign counterparts grow their own institutions in a manner that fits their environment and supports their political goals. This is not where we should draft pick up teams of 05s and 06s. If we decide to develop those skills to support 3000.05 then we start now by assigning the right people to assignments where they can get that experience and learn those skills.

We often articulate the components of our defense institutions in DOTMLPF terms. We like to cherry pick from the DOTMLPF tree for the ones that seem easiest and offer the least amount of risk. We like to do it in an ad-hoc fashion for the same reasons. Unfortunately this is the least effective, and I'd argue at a certain point the least efficient. This method of change may even be the one which holds the greater risk as the parts become incongruent and confusing as some evolve and some remain unchanged - but its what we do.

We could be discussing any aspect of DOTMLPF, but we also need to consider the broader USG, and even the US Codes and authorization that allow us to be flexible for long term efforts that change over time through interaction. 1206 and 1207 are examples of authorizations that need to be followed up on and considered in light of what we are trying to accomplish. Without some of the external DoD changes, we'll wind up with capabilities that are hard to employ because of shortfalls and self imposed constraints.

Best, Rob