Quote Originally Posted by Tipy View Post
Boils down to leadership and discipline. Do the basics correctly, supervise, and inspect. Load to the mission, don't let the individuals carry 25 mags, and six canteens, unless you plan for it to get that bad. Leaders may have to be cruel.
Fascinating account, and noteable in many ways.

...but history, operational analysis and my own experience all tell us that the leaders are the problem.

The problems are mostly emotional in that leaders don't want to be seen to compromise operational capability by lightening loads and don't want to admit that there men cannot "hump more, than some slack jawed faggot," or any other member of the gay community afflicted with some type of mandible alignment defect.

The UK looked at setting a finite load limit. You X kg to play with, and you juggled requirements within this. This never happened as, what testing that was done, indicated that soldiers thought it was cool to be "old school" and ignore the new silly weight limit. The culture mitigated against carrying a light and effective load, and the culture was almost certainly a product of poor leadership in terms of education and guidance.