The article is a gross insult to all who serve, and have served, in Iraq. It is simply an anti-war diatribe that uses the current conflict as a target for exaggerated rhetoric that paints all of the troops in-country as criminals. I was utterly disgusted by his use of Reserve Police Bn 101 as a comparative point for US soldier actions. Using phrases like unchecked orgy of death, license to kill with impunity, abuse of the powerless becomes a perverted sport, etc. ad nauseum makes it sound as if OIF is a rerun of the worst of the Balkan conflicts or that our forces are Nazi-equivalents. It is all literary imagery and absolutely no substance.

Sarajevo - you continue to look at all events through the prism of Bosnia. This twists your vision and mitigates against a clear view of events in their context. This is especially evident by your constant harping on the crime of rape of civilians - which has been very rare in Iraq, in stark contrast to what occurred in the Balkans. Yes, individual crimes have taken place in Iraq - which the services do their best to address. Tragic accidents happen - which do have a horrible impact upon Iraqi families. However, what this article states - that the US is engaged in and encourages systemic violence directed against Iraqi civilians is utterly and completely false. The article is little more than one long narrative insult of the US armed forces.