The US has held a leadership role in the world and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future. The attitude of many leaders when their Soldiers start getting irritable is one of "I don't care if you hate me; I just care that we accomplish the mission and you all go home alive." Let's concede for argument that all of Europe dislikes the United States and even dislikes most Americans. Who cares? Europe still ACTS like an ally and it is a good trading partner.

And if it is so important to be liked by other countries, then I am still not losing any sleep at night, because Japan, India, South Korea, and other populous, economically powerful countries across the world are friendly with us. What is Europe going to do, lob a nuke at us? I don't think so. Begin a trade embargo on Dannon yogurt or BMWs? Oh no. Let them whine. So long as they're not running al-Qaeda training camps, their hissy fits seem pretty irrelevant. When it comes time for their political leaders to catch a breath and think about things like adults, they will always find themselves concluding that their interests align with ours. And that is all that matters: interests, not emotions. Hate us all you want. Just keep growing your economies and don't kill each other.