The US has never really been economically least not in the sense that I think you mean, Marc. Trade has always been an issue, except possibly for some traditionally isolationist parts of New England (and even there seaborne commerce was a big part of their historical background and profitability). But we have certainly been militarily and politically isolationist...and like Sam I'm starting to see a fair chance that we will return to such policies. I certainly wouldn't mind seeing the majority of our overseas bases closed down...and it would be interesting to see how long the quiet lasted before others started shouting for US "help" (mostly funds and the like) to deal with some of the world's problem spots.

There's also a segment, I think, that likes the idea of having the US "handy" other words sitting quietly on the sidelines yet willing to come when called (with money and/or military force if needed) to deal with things that others don't want to deal with directly. The fact that from time to time we don't want to play in that role makes them nervous. The roots of much of this are quite deep, and there's enough of it to go around.