Quote Originally Posted by Entropy View Post
Where is the evidence?
Here's one (LINK)I can find more pertaining to everything from the YC14 and 15 to Bombers. Point is the senior leadership of the USAF has been excessively air to air fighter centric since Viet Nam.
And what's "recent" - especially since the example given is Vietnam.
Since 1975; since 1989 when the USSR dribbled into a puddle, since 1991 when the future of air to air for some time was illustrated plainly; since 2001? Take your pick. As you may recall, I've defended the AF in several of these threads. I will on this one as well; I just found it interesting that seemingly, the PR aspect -- which I admit is important -- took precedence over the practical, do the job aspect -- which would seem to me to be more important.
As I've mentioned elsewhere, the AF reorganized in 1992 and got rid of Strategic Air Command which was the AF's most important arm during the cold war. Given the decline in nuclear security and accountability that led to these firings (which I think were necessary, btw), one might argue that the AF changed too much in that case.
I would agree. SAC worked and should not have been trifled with, I suggest that what occurred was an effort to appear in tune with the times that was ill thought out.
I personally think the AF has been more adaptable in recent times than the other services
I'd say it's been about on par with the others -- none of whom, not even the rather flexible USMC have exactly covered themselves with glory in that respect. All the services practice "tradition before innovation."
Regardless, my sense is that the entire nation is still grappling with the "transformed global security environment" and what that means with respect to US interests and military doctrine and capabilities.
The AF has been pretty consistent in adapting to threats in its domain, IMO.
I agree but offer the caveat; with quite selective priorities which have not done them any favors. That, I think is the rub.

In any event, wasn't picking on you or the USAF; just thought the selection of a "money quote" was interesting, not wrong.