"If, as the Bush administration has held, they are not "legal combatants", then what are they? The rhetorical answer was to call them "criminals", but even criminals have rights under international laws to which the US is a signatory."

They are neither. They have no code. They are signatory to nothing, and hold no value for life. They do not work for a country OR GOD.

They are noncomformists to civilization as a whole. No one can explain to me why their rights should be covered under the Constitution at all, much less given more rights than our Soldiers have.

There is only the argument.
The supreme court debunking the US Congress in a legal decision raises my awareness to the deep degradation of our legal system. I AM disappointed to say the least.

Our legal system is for our citizens who have rights. Not phlem flam from some throwback century. The supreme court followed the sheep over a cliff on this one.