...the "suck it up" mentality is completely incongruent with the realities of today...the "vanpooling" issue transcends convenience...it is about facilitating real education (not the death by powerpoint the Army usually calls education)...it is about treating young professionals as they should be treated...it is about a culture of taking care of your people...so what if you had no rental car when YOU went to school...I had to walk five miles through snow uphill to get to mine...

This thread is all about the Army's culture...comments about the remote batteries and such are indicative of a culture that has put the Army thousands of officers and enlisted men short...

And the person who asked if the CGSC-ILE students were trigger pullers...that also is a cultural norm that needs to be discarded...are not we an Army of one...have not the students done their time?...

This thread is very revealing and I will use it to educate the students concerning the "suck it up" mentality that still exists out there...