Quote Originally Posted by Jedburgh View Post
I cannot add more than RTK has already stated pretty clearly. I am frankly disgusted by the behavioral tendencies indicated by the content of the post.
I'll second that. Honestly, it reminds me of "the dog ate my homework" . Leaving the Gen Y stuff aside, however, there is a very good point make which is why wasn't there any housing on base? It strikes me that it would be much more cost efficient to have base housing than pay for vans and Holiday Inns.

Getting back to the Gen Y stuff, this attitude is quite common and, if the research on it is right (and I suspect it is), a lot of it has to do with low birth rates and kids being raised that they were "special". Corporations are paying billions of dollars to get and keep Gen Y, which has got to be he most self-centered generation since the Golliard poets!

[/ rant]....

Quote Originally Posted by Jedburgh View Post
In that regard, I have moved this thread from the Trigger-Pullers forum, because it certainly does not belong there.
Well, don't forget the "trigger" on the PowerPoint projector .