Ambassador McGee has done an admirable job in highlighting te situation and challenging the Mugabists (new word, I rather like it) as well as leading by example. But I don't quite get the almost cheerful air he has in describing the fact that the Dutch Embassy is still shelteringTsvangirai without fearing a government raid.

Not to wish harm on our Dutch brethren or Tsvangirai himself, I almost wish such a raid would take place. It should also be highlighted that Tsvangirai did not seek shelter with an African diplomatic mission. That would have been something to have the South African Embassy raided...

Stan, again, you are right. Lot's of clucking noises and not much else.

David, agree that an insurgency is unlikely after a Mugabist victory that seems imminent. Perhaps had the opposition stayed the course and won, the Mugabist would have kept their promises....

None of this however doing anything to help the country's dying (or dead)economy...
