MASVINGO - A senior officer serving with the Zimbabwe National Army Major General Engelbert Rugeje yesterday said soldiers will be out in full force
on Friday to herd voters to the polling stations countrywide and to ensure
that they vote for the single candidate, President Robert Mugabe.

Addressing people who were force-marched to Mucheke Stadium by members of the army and Zanu-PF militia Rugeje said soldiers will sweep through the
countryside on Friday to ensure that people go to the polling stations "to
vote for Mugabe. The army will also supply election observers.

"We are soldiers," Rugeje said. "We do not ask for things; we force things.

"On Friday we are going to make sure that you go and vote, not for any
person of your choice, but for President Mugabe. I am not asking you to do
so but we will force you to go and vote.
"As soldiers we enjoy war."

During the Rhodesian war it was normal for the "Freedom Fighters" to herd villagers to "Pungwes" - political gatherings enforcing pro ZanuPf chanting, shoot the chiefs son or daughter to make a point, demand the services of the village womenr (age not a problem) and of course insist on free beer. At election time 1980 they said plainly if they did not win, the war continues. Nothing ever seems to change, deliberate starvation, rape and murder are all these thugs know.