Charles “Sid” Heal is well-known and respected, says one of my Thin Blue buddies. Heal is with the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Office. Regarding the question of relevance of his work to your post, a point of entry might be his Sound Doctrine: A Tactical Primer.

On its face, Paul R. Howe’s Leadership and Training for the Fight looks like more of a military/business-leadership-self-help book, but there’s apparently at least one chapter that might get at your topic. Howe was with Delta Force in Somalia, according to my buddy. On-line bios support but do not confirm.

Much of Howe’s thinking may relate more to training on tactics--rather than philosophizing on tactics--although I’d be hard-pressed to distinguish one from the other in works such as CQB: Direct Threat or Points of Domination? Other writings and writer-contact info contained in the linked PDF.

There is, admittedly, a lot of rip-and-read stuff from Army field manuals that ends up being re-packaged and sold to tactical law enforcement personnel. I'd continue to be interested in finding out, however, whether any of the philosophical and/or TTP stuff flows the other direction ...