A FIVE day course

I am on Blackwater's e-newsletter list, got this last night:

Learn the language -and the culture- then deploy.

Operators, analysts, military and civilian support personnel working with or deploying to Iraq or Afghanistan have two classes to choose from:

IRAQI ARABIC from 13 November to 17 November

PASHTO/DARI from 27 November to 01 December

INTENSITY— Live and breathe Arabic or Pashto/Dari

Blackwater Language School provides an intensive language learning environment in which participants challenge themselves and learn at a rate beyond normal limits. This intensive experience has proven to be very successful. Because you and your team-mates have limited time to study the language and culture of Iraq or Afghanistan, we substitute time with intensity. Every student is encouraged to communicate as much as possible in Iraqi dialect Arabic or Pashto/Dari during the entire week-long course. This is no ordinary course of study— it is an endeavor that is emotionally taxing— and rewarding!

SURVIVABILITY— Cultural Awareness = Situational Awareness

If you don’t understand the culture, you can cause real trouble. Our team of accomplished staff is dedicated to helping students survive and thrive in the subject culture. A series of cultural activities will take place throughout the program. Students will be encouraged to use their new skills as they eat Middle Eastern meals and engage in situational interviews— in the immersive environment. This highly intensive language environment empowers you to immediately put your language skills into action and test the boundaries of your cultural survival skills!

At only $1495 per student, space is extremely limited.
To reserve a space for you or your unit
Call or email us today!

That must be some INTENSE training - language AND culture under a week!