I don't even own a TV and, thus, I do not watch any of the cable news channels. I primarily get my news from the Financial Times and Wall Street Journal, though I also read feeds from several others sources via an RSS reader. It is amazing how much more refreshing life is when you do not have an infobabe telling you about some new crisis everyday (missing 10-year-old girl, jailed celebrity, skyrocketing ATM fees, hardships of choosing between a 42" plasma screen TV or health insurance, etc).

Sometimes I feel as though I am poorly informed because I miss out on Jack Cafferty reading email rants from "Bob in Ohio" or "Nancy in Seattle" about whatever lowest common denominator, populist load of crap that we're attempting to rile people up over today.

Just out of curiosity, is the Today show still classified as news? I saw a few minutes of it at my parent's house last week. There was no news reported, but there was an outdoor concert, fashion tips for the 4th of July, a new recipe for chicken, and some chit-chat with people who were screaming and holding signs while trying to get on camera outside of the studio.