I laughed. I wouldn't call it conservative propaganda, but it highlights a very well earned distrust with the media. Not to get on my soapbox or anything, but I've seen virtually no news coverage of the current offensive in Mosul, the last redoubt of Al Qaeda in Mesopotamia.

The moment I still come back to, though, time and time again in my mind, was when Cpl. Jason Dunham's family was given his Medal of Honor, awarded posthumously.

But it received virtually no airtime on any of the major cable news outlets.


Because that was the same day as Anna Nicole Smith's funeral.

Non-stop coverage of some bimbo's funeral on CNN, while Dunham's sacrifice went almost unnoticed. That made my blood boil.

Take from that what you will. I don't buy into all the "liberal media" invective that gets tossed around. I read the New York Times almost every day, and I don't believe there's any conspiracy to undermine the war. But I am constantly reminded that media is a business, and it tends to seek that which will bring more viewers, and thus generate more revenue. There may be a few diamonds in the rough, reporters and correspondents who still have integrity and commitment, but by and large it seems to me that the media is not to be trusted.