Pure political theater. Most troops could care less -- but a very few would go bonkers and do stupid stuff (that applies to both gay and overly straight troops). It's all politics and social engineering.

I will never forget the first time I was propositioned by a fellow male service member, A Captain USMC -- ruined all my little 17 year old PFC illusions.

Best Mess Sergeant I ran across in the Army was totally gay. He also had gone through WW II with the 82d and Korea with the 187th RCT. Ran a great mess hall and did not hassle his KPs. Had a gay Squad Leader working for me in Viet Nam. Did a good job and I put him in for two Bronze Stars, one with 'V' and one for generally doing good in the combat zone.

I ran across dozens of gay males and females ranging from GO -- according to the common wisdom of the day -- and Colonel (acknowledged) down to peon from all four branches in my 45 years in and with the unigrammed services. Most of 'em just did their jobs and didn't bother anyone.