Quote Originally Posted by RTK View Post
I'd have a hard time believing PKK (or Kongra Gel, or whatever they call themselves this week) were involved. Though listed on the terrorist watch list, they have been rumored by Seymour Hersh as recently as November as being supported by the US. There are 12 organizations Turkey considers as terrorist groups working within Turkey. Note number 8 at the link and the fact that Turkey has only listed them as a terrorist group within the last 3 years (note also that the EU didn't officially name Hezbollah as a terrorist organization until NOV 2005). This coincides with the same timeline Turkey has sought admission to the EU.

I think this was probably an outside resistance group that probably has no ties to the Kurdish movements, possibly the one listed above. It will be interesting to see what comes out in the coming days.
I think your second link is mislinked, since it also goes to Hersh's New Yorker article. I suspect it should go here.

It should be noted that Lebanese Hizballah and Turkish Hizballah are entirely different organizations—the former is Shi'ite, while the latter is a Sunni extremist group that originally grew, in part, as a reaction to the PKK.