Quote Originally Posted by Old Eagle View Post
I was there for the Russian debacle. They weren't SF, they were MI. No country or theater clearance. (Not a good start.) Somebody (I thought it was you) busted them at George Browne's. Ambo's point was that he would welcome anyone coming to country to learn Estonian, but not Russian. It gave the impression that the USG believed that EE was still part of the Soviet Union. Frankly, I was on the Ambo's side. The sending unit had ample opportunity to make good w/Ambo, but elected not to do it. At the time, St. Pete was equally open as Tallinn, w/o the political baggage.
Affirmative; it was me that first spotted them in Old Town and I agreed with the principle reasons for their removal (lack of CC, etc.). As far as USA impressions go, we've got so many of those Jehovah's Witnesses running around in black suits speaking (err, learning) Russian in Tallinn, that I have to wonder who ultimately controls these freaks of nature abroad, and do we seriously concern ourselves with sending the wrong message. Adds a whole new meaning to Ugly American. Bilateral Affairs (stepchild to the Mil-to-Mil with far less cash) has so many programs running now, that finding a Soldier in Tallinn is child's play. Those that do make an effort to communicate, still try Russian first before switching to English.

Quote Originally Posted by Tom Odom View Post
I only amaze myself and embarrass Stan..or maybe the reverse...or was that amuse Stan and embarras the US?

Developing does not describe the Congo---better to use diminishing or devolving because progress does not apply to Kin La Belle et le Congo.

Agree also on the diverse schools. I went to NPS on the Top 5% program (fooled 'em) when funds were tight under Jimmy the Peanut. NPS turned out to be a great school but going to grad school in more lefi-wing settings has its own charm

Fish burgers with sliced egg? Try the feces fed grubs scorched on a hot oil drum lid. Now that's adventure.
I think you deep down were trying to amuse me. The Belg described Zaire as Malfunction Junction.

Hmmm, grubs in hot oil (there's no emoticon to convey puking)... Ranger, I told you not to eat those things cooked in front of the Embassy. The thought of our drivers showing up in the AM having had a few grubs on their breathe just made my day