Quote Originally Posted by Tom Odom View Post

Overt racism among the ranks. Maybe I am too old a Soldier but the overt racism--as tolerated and participated in by NCOs--was over the top.

Officer leadership--shades of Band of Brothers--the company commander is a pretty boy idiot. the Lieutenant stands "tall" and lies to the battalion commander.

Sir, I enjoyed the first episode for its relatively faithful portrayal of a platoon of infantry Marines. The overt rascist jibes happen about like they're portrayed, although I think they tend to defuse any racial tension, unlike what was shown in the episode.

During the initial training range sequence, the radio traffic between the FAC and aircraft was pretty damn realistic. The terminology all seems to be spot on as well.

The company commander, "Encino Man", is portrayed as an idiot because that seems to have been the general perception. (I think I ran into "Capt America" in Nasiriyah when 1st Recon passed through our battalion's lines. I remember walking the guy around my lines and thinking to myself, "This guy's a moron.") The actor playing LtCol Ferrando certainly talked like an infantry battalion commander.

One thing that bugged me is the Lt Fick character repeatedly calling his TL, Sgt Colbert, by his first name.