This CFR report is worth reading, the description of the situation is excellent; the policy options are well intentioned and from my armchair hopelessly optimistic. Particularly over any effective American or other Western presence in the FATA, for both civil and military aid, training etc.

Pakistanis are proud of their country, whatever it's flaws; any perceived "hardline" by the USA to achieve change will reinforce those opposed to this difficult relationship.

Let's be honest there are two strands to the relationship, not one joined up national government; there is the military - who control security policy and civil politics - who do little for most Pakistanis.

Any US / NATO / Western policy needs to acknowledge this. Can we influence enough change in the military to achieve jointly held objectives? How is this done, in view of the "stop go" Pakistani policy to date? At the same time we will seek to build up civil politics, for good governance plus and in the medium term hopefully gain more influence on security policy making.
