Quote Originally Posted by Bill Moore View Post
This is a perfect illustration. First you assume secession was an acceptable outcome, it wasn't, and our national leaders decided to fight to maintain unity. You also assume that it is O.K. to let men suffer as slaves for a few more "decades", when the problem will presummably solve itself. Of course if you and your family were slaves you may have a different opinion and may have even appreciated that there was a nation that finally generated the courage to stand against this amoral behavior.
Of course the untested assumption is that the American Civil War was primarily about abolitionism not actually about an inwardly focused industrial north versus an agrarian south. Or, that the Federalist precedence turned on the tenth amendment of states rights and destroyed them. The wholesale vaporization of the tenth amendment allowing for the industrial barons to expand without compunction. Those barons primarily being of northern states. None of that likely has anything to do with anything.