Quote Originally Posted by VMI_Marine View Post
Richard Lowry posted some criticism of the episode on OPFOR that, while I agree with on a factual basis, I think misses that the show wanted to portray the "grunt's eye" view of the war. Yes, the show has many factual inconsistencies about Nasiriyah, but I think it accurately portrays what the Marines of 1st Recon Bn believed about the battle at the time depicted in the show.

Generation Kill is a dramatization it is NOT a documentary. It is a story written from the perspective of the participants and the writer was in the truck. The writer is involved and creating an account that is first person and from his perspective. The levels of bias rise as the directors and creators of the show each add to the dramatization.

Taking the sanitized knowledge of today (also based on accounts) and glaring through that lens at the tumultuous story of the writer does no good for anybody. It is the act of a concrete thinker and inflexibility to look at a show and apply a factual lens to what is attempting to give an emotional view. I really doubt that the driver gave such a philosophical meandering debate without using the "F" word as punctation for hours on end.

I will read the histories when they are written through a lens of factual obligation and enjoy the show for the personal first person account the writer and creators have attempted to give. I will listen with interest as people who were there tell me that things happened differently. But, like with the movie Black Hawk Down I'm not looking for abysmal detail in the facts of the account. I am looking for the emotional and personal stories from their perspective.