Quote Originally Posted by John T. Fishel View Post
It doesn't appear that in his zeal to foster collaboration the DNI has taken much account of the dangers of Group Think. A more collaborative IC with analysts working together across agency lines is a worthy goal. An Intel Enterprise, hierarchically organized, IMO, is not.


I have issues with it as well. One of the strengths of the system--it used to be stronger--was that each element brought its own culture to the analytical table. Army intel was much different than AF intel and both differed from DIA "purple" intel, etc. It took a good central managelment hub to control the process, one on paper found in the CIA under the DCI. The problem often emerged that the CIA was acting both as "manager" and as an agenda (culture) driven competitor. The above proposal seems to have at its core a drive to make all the same and that is never good.
