
Outside of politics (or talking heads to us engaged in the fight), I dont think it's a question of would, but will. What will a pullout from Iraq look like? I'd submit that we must first define the problem set.

“If you don’t know where you’re going, then any road will suffice. Eventually, the road must lead somewhere.” -Wise old man

"If I had only an hour to answer a question, then I would spend 55 minutes defining the problem and 5 minutes answering it."
-paraphrased Albert Einstein

Enthropy's thread of "What is the Surge" may get us there.

As this debate evolves, I'll interject with further editorials. Your question is the subject of my thesis, and yes, I have no problem with cherry-picking SWJ elites to provide legitimacy to my work(appropriate footnotes included of course). I appreciate the question, and I have no doubt that an SWJ collaboration between academics and grunts may provide a feasible solution.

