Hey WilF, good to see you are still putting out new thought provoking work, keep it up.
Fuchs, the patrol focus in this discusion is probably my fault since I used it incorrectly to define offensive movements outside the wire (Iraq).
My concept on "squad" size is based on there not being a need for squads and that a fire-team based platoon is more aplicable to modern ops. Arrainging squads for the assault or defense or even patrol like you see in many "perfect squad size/compisition" discusions makes very little sense since the enemy and the conditions you fight in have a say in what is ideal anyway. My ideas differ from WilF's only in minor details, so reading his article is the best way to figure what I am trying to say since I am doing a poor job of it myself.
Anychance of getting an imbedded spellchecker? that would be grate..errrr great.