Quote Originally Posted by William F. Owen View Post
.Thus BMP-T!
The German army conducted some studies called NGP (Neue Gepanzerte Platformen = new armoured platforms) prior to the Igel/Puma project.

They did some simulations to test both a unitary IFV and a combination of medium weight APC and medium weight fire support vehicle. I distrust such simulations...anyway - the outcome was that the IFV solution should be preferred.
The theoretical fire support vehicle wasn't even close to a BMP-T. Instead, they assumed a 50mm autocannon - it was more an M3 Bradley ons steroids than a BMP-T.

I personally trust those who want the same level of protection for all vehicles that itnentionally expose themselves to AT weapons.
MBT-like protection for HAPC, bridgelayer, mineclearer and for another type of fighting vehicle that doesn't depend on a big gun.
The latter turns into a very complicated all-round monster in my brain whenever I think about it. I would use no AGLs like the Russians did, but a 35mm revolver cannon (35/1000) with anti-air capability (HE-airburst, APFSDS), Spike LRs, C-KEMs, Starstreaks and a coax. Plus two scout dismounts.