links to briefs before the District Court (nothing on US's appeal brief, which may not be filed for awhile).

Sharp dispute over shape of detainee cases
Saturday, July 26th, 2008 8:49 am Lyle Denniston
In the first formal moves to shape the federal courts’ review of the government’s power to keep detainees in captivity at Guantanamo Bay, the two sides in the courthouse battle proposed sharply differing approaches on Friday night. With agreement on few critical points, lawyers for the government and for detainees set up a running dispute that potentially could lead quickly to multiple appeals, perhaps reaching the Supreme Court.

As expected, the detainees’ attorneys suggested a sweeping and penetrating, if somewhat flexible, probe of the government’s reasons for original detention decisions and for continuing to confine captives, and Justice Department attorneys proposed a more streamlined process that would significantly narrow the judges’ review.

The briefs are each side’s attempt to carry out their view of what the Supreme Court had in mind in its June 12 decision (Boumediene v. Bush, 06-1195) declaring that the detainees have a constitutional right to challenge their captivity. The detainees’ arguments stress the historic importance of a detailed examination of Executive Branch decisions to hold individuals without charges, while the government’s arguments stress the need to keep the process confined in order not to intrude on the Executive’s “wartime” powers.

Detainees’ brief here:

Government brief here

Government’s proposed “case management” order here.

Each side will file a response to the other’s document by 1 Aug.