Fallon is the CincCent; he came on board saying that, no surprise there. Fallon's job is to worry about the whole CentCom area, not just Iran or Iraq; he's got a big AO and a total force to worry about. He made a statement to the press -- that's not the same thing at all as "bluntly telling the Prseident." I can assure you that no Admiral is likely to do that (and that is why I questioned your Comment).
Cheney's speech in the Gulf was aboard the
USS John C. Stennis, not TO the Gulf States and that he said there were two CSGs there. There was a lot of idiotic garbage by the talking heads and in the lefty blogosphere about three or four CSGs but the incompetents in the media missed the fact that there was a long scheduled exercise plus a routine changeover underway
(LINK). Cosgriff took over fifth Fleet from Walsh last spring. I suspect he was alos asked by some clueless journalist how many carriers he needed and he answered the question -- I again suggest that is not the same thing as "...bluntly telling the President" -- which no Vice Admiral is likely to do ever.
Much ado about nothing...
As for your fear that the Administration still intends to "do something about Iran," your prerogative. I suggest a simple way to enhance or degrade that fear, which ever you wish, is to read the US media who are relatively clueless and prone to promote panic to sell ad space to raise your fears or you can simply watch what the Administration does vice paying any attention to what any politician says to lessen that fear.
I suggest you take most stuff in the blogospher with a dump truck full of salt as well; there's an appalling amount of ignorance out there that likes to pass itself off as informed comment and I'd take two truckloads to the Larouche site...
Personally, barring something really stupid from Ahmadinejad & Co, I'm not about to lose any sleep over it.