Quote Originally Posted by Tacitus View Post
The way I remember this being reported, and I could be wrong, the people in the town said they had no idea that there were Marines around running some kind of border surveillance missions.

Since dead men tell no tales, nobody will ever know how Hernandez viewed the situation. If it was me, I probably would have thought it was a coyote (the four legged kind) out there stalking my goats, or maybe a real illegal alien up to who knows what. If so, I can see how he would think squeezing off a .22 shot might do the trick. I think that is generally a bad idea, though; I've never fired a weapon in my life when I wasn't 100% sure exactly what I was shooting at.
Nor I. Unfortunately, too many folks weren't raised or taught properly...
If we aren't either invading Mexico, or repelling an invasion of the Mexican army, this just seems like a bad idea to me. (emphasis added / kw)
Totally agree...