Tom Posted: Where the 82d speed bump thing really made me sweat was when I learned that the AF planners had a gleem in their eye to "take down" Iraq without putting airpower against those divisions.
I have not run across this (yet), so thank you for this insight.
Take a look at Certain Victory--it is on line at CSI Press by the way. I recounted in there an episode of getting briefed on this plan in late August in Checkmate. no royalties for active duty writers

On the AT weapons, I work here with retired SMA Bill Gates; we talk from time to time about this period and the AT munitions shortages always comes up.

My take on the light versus heavy issue on restore hope was there was very much a "put us in, Coach," mentality for those concerned with validating light forces after being left out in Gulf War 1, matched by a sense we did not want to start reloading tanks on ships when we had just completed the Desert Shield/Storm retrograde. The idea of loading an ACR was snuffed pretty quickly--and then resurfaced when the request for tanks came in the next spring, only to be snuffed by Les Aspin as were requests for AC130s. You won't find mention of the ACR idea; you will find much on the issue of armor and AC 130s. Remember Aspin resigned taking responsibility for saying no to the armor. What a concept!
