The article was actually posted on Thursday in the New's round-up. I just needed some time to consider it.

In the broader context, our previous IO campaign reflected a self-absorbed reaction to radical Islamist. After the shock of 9/11, we immediately asked, "why do they hate us?" In some weird, collective form of compartmentalized psychosis, a temporary disassociation with reality, we questioned our own identity, and we felt the need to justify democracy, capitalism, and liberalism.

We acted rash, and we never considered that the attacks had nothing to do with us. Despite the rhetoric of AQ, we were never the problem.

The GWOT further schismed the US populace into partisan factions- everyone was angry; everyone blamed Bush. All of us looked at the world and said this is not what I envisioned.

In typical fashion, State Department proclaimed that we should not describe the radicals as jihadists. State was right, but the hawks countered that these ramblings were meek and dove-like ignoring the fact that AQ represents less than 1% of the Muslim community and totally ignorant of the theoretical and theological meaning of jihad.

Years of fighting past, we're finally "getting it."

I'm still considering how it all plays out. Thankfully, we are beginning to stop blaiming ourselves for the world's ills. I used to concur with GEN Powell's pottery barn analogy, but the ME was broken long ago.

The beauty of our system and way of life is that as long as we believe in it and reflect its values, it will always overcome tyranny, radicalism, and other non-sense.

As Bing West describes, we are the greatest tribe despite our severe short-comings.

Ken is spot on with the selfishness and pragmatism of the ME. We simply have to acknowledge that their failures are not our responsibility nor causation.

Once we get there, we maybe able to effectively intervene and assist in the same manner as one would intervene with a family member addicted to drugs.

On a more serious note, I think I'm gonna leave the strategic sphere and brush up on my PLF and BD6 in the hope that a mass tactical jump lies shortly in my future...
