Ken; you don't see the point.

I don't care whether Germans can train quickly, Americans can train quickly or anybody could. Let's assume that to raise an Army as a foreigner up to regional standard (and no more is necessary) takes ten years in wartime (actually, I wonder why the other side is much quicker, but who cares as Western trainers are obviously not).

The implication is that every conflict that cannot be ended before such an indigenous army has been raised would last for at least a decade.

That's pretty much a guarantee for
- a high rate of failure due to a lack of time for political, strategic and economic reasons
- a high rate of conflicts with excessive costs that turn a victory into a Pyrrhic victory

That is important for
- the governments that trust such support
- the governments that think about ordering such support
- the citizens of both states

It's a very major issue, dwarfing such stuff like COIN manuals easily.

To tell everyone that it takes a lot of time and be satisfied with that is not satisfactory imho. That's like working for a Pyrrhic victory.

Cultural drift? Come on. That's regional difference at most, not a cultural difference that would make one part militarily inferior.
North and South Vietnam were separated for less than 20 years when Saigon fell, Eastern Germany existed for 50 years and failed to create greater cultural differences than exist between North and South Germany.
Thank you for acknowledging the cultural difference between Bayern and Niedersachsen.
The cultural differences between Niedersachsen and Bayern are smaller than the cultural differences inside both states, even within their cities and even inside individual houses.

Your whole response activity was quite obviously so fierce because I dared to criticize the U.S. armed services. In this forum. Sacrilege!

It's quite funny; the harshest criticism of U.S.Armed forces is usually audible when no Americans who could jump into their 'sacrilege!' mode are close.
British, Canadians, Australians, French, Germans, Scandinavians - it's really easy to find experienced people who have very U.S.-incompatible views. They're just not frank enough to tell about it in an English-language forum.
Because it's quite pointless.